Gaza Cartography
Mapping Gaza (Cartografiando Gaza) was the Winter Workshop 2009, School of Architecture, University of Alicante, designed and conducted by José Pérez de Lama and Pablo de Soto (hackitectura.net) in collaboration with Regine Debatty, Architecture, urbanism and technology in the Israel-Palestine conflict (including arguments by Eyal Weizman, Alessandro Petti, Giorgio Agamben, Naomi Klein). These authors and researchers understand 1/ that urbanism and architecture have a prominent role in the conflict, and 2/ Israel-Palestine is not an exception but rather a laboratory for contemporary urbanism based on enclaves and islands, connection-exclusion, control society, etc.
Gaza in particular and urban, architectural, technological features of the conflict/ war going on right now. Exercise proposal: Based upon this information, and other that can be supplied in advance, students, organized in groups will make a conceptual proposal of counter-devices; that is spatial, architectural, urban, technological devices that “hack” the above mentioned concepts to promote/ enable resistance, peace, cooperation, dialogue, communication, rights, liberties, international support…